Join us for a three-day celebration of keyboard instruments! The halls of the Potocki Palace in Kraków’s Main Market Square will be a temporary home for some 30 instruments from major European collections, displayed for all to enjoy. At the same time, the Palace will host an exhibition, workshops, meetings and concerts featuring some of the most eminent harpsichordists, designers and instrument builders invited to take part in this special celebration.
Recital of the 17th-century harpsichord music
Marcin Świątkiewicz – harpsichord
Girolamo Frescobaldi (1583–1643) Toccata VII in d
Emmanuel Soncino (ca. 1600–1660) Cromatica
John Bull (1562/1563–1628) Chromatic Pavan & Galliard
Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck (1562–1621) Fantasia chromatica
Toccata in a (anonymous, Przemyśl Tablature)
Johann Jakob Froberger (1616–1667) Suite in a
Dieterich Buxtehude (ca. 1637–1707) Präludium in g
Georg Muffat (1653–1704) Passacaglia in g