Vincent Dumestre - zdjęcie

Vincent Dumestre was born in 1968. After studying art history at the Écoledu Louvre and classical guitarat the École Normale de Musique de Paris, Vincent devoted himself to the lute and theorbo under Hopkinson Smith, EugèneFerré andRolfLislevand,beforeperforming inconcerts withtheRicercarConsort,LaSimphonie duMarais, LaGrandeEcurie,LaChambre duRoy andLeCentredeMusique BaroquedeVersailles, during whichtimehemade some thirty recordings.

In1998,hefoundedLePoèmeHarmonique,amusicalformationspecialisedintheBaroquerepertoire,ofwhich he is the artistic director. Theensemble made an immediate impression, and Vincent Dumestre was named “Young Musician of the Year” by Diapason magazine in 1999.


His artistic career has broadly followed the same path as his ensemble, and he occupies a unique place on the internationalBaroquescene. Anenthusiasticpioneeroftheearlyoperarevival,hehasdirectedsuchworksas “Caligula”, “Egisto”and “CadmusetHermione”,sacredmusicincluding “Lamentations” byCavalieriandLalande’s “GrandsMotets”, and chamber music by Briceno, Belli, Tessier and others.


Alongside his work as an orchestra conductor, he continues to perform as an instrumentalist with the singers andmusicians of his chamber musicensemble.Inrecentyears,VincentDumestreandLePoèmeHarmoniquehaveenjoyed aspect acularrisetoprominenceandareinvitedtoperformatworld’smostprestigiousconcerthalls,operahousesand festivals,hehasappearedatthePhilharmoniedeParis,OpéraComique,Théâtre desChamps-Élysées,OpéraRoyalde Versailles,WienerKonzerthaus,Concertgebouwin Amsterdam,FestivalofUtrecht,KölnerPhilharmonie,Wigmore Hall,BBCProms,NationalCenterforPerformingArtsinBeijing,OjiHallinTokyo,MariinskyTheaterinSaint- Petersbourg, Columbia University in New York and many others.


Supported by the Normandy region in his work with le Poème Harmonique, Vincent Dumestre is also the artistic director of the Baroque Seasons, a series of concerts in Rouen including a Normandy International Baroque Music Competition, setting in the historic Chapelle Corneille, and the artistic director of the Festival du Haut Jura in France. In 2017, he also serves as the Resident Artistic Director of the Misteria Paschalia Festival in Kraków.

Events with this artist


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Vincent Dumestre - zdjęcie


Vincent Dumestre.

